First Aid for your overlanding adventure

Overlanding can quickly take you into some amazing backcountry locations. Getting away from civilization and exploring remote areas are integral to the sport, as such this puts you in tight spot when someone gets hurt. There are two things that come into play in dealing with small and large, injuries and Illnesses; equipment and knowledge.


Just like a tool box full of tools does little to help if you don’t know how to use them or how to trouble shoot a problem the same goes for first aid kits and knowledge. We highly recommend a wilderness medicine course for overlanding. Not only do these courses teach you how to recognize and deal with major life threats coming from blood loss, breathing troubles, and diminished brain activity they also teach you how to care for people for extended periods. They help you gain the understanding needed to recognize if an injury or ailment is serious or not serious. You also learn how to stabilize a pt with improvised techniques by getting creative with the equipment you already have.


Haveing a robust first aid kit with the right tools and supplies is step two. Every first aid kit should be well marked and its location communicated to others in your party.

Having items to protect yourself such as nytrial gloves, and a cpr mask can help keep you safe if you are helping others. Items to quickly deal with major bleeding like a pressure bandage tourniquet and hemostatic gauze can help you or others. Wound care supplies, medications, burn care, along with bite and sting treatment add depth to you medical tools. Finally, building out your kit with modules based on anticipated problems and risks for the area you are headed will round it out for your adventure

Pre-made kits can be a great way to go but be sure you know what everything is for and where it is in the kit. Don’t be afraid to add items to personalize the kit for your group. North American Rescue makes great turn-key kits as well as items to buy to create your own.

Having knowledge and skills along with a robust kit will set you up for greater success when overlanding in remote backcountry settings.


What’s the difference between Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder


Baja Del Sur, Mexico: International Remote Filming Medical Response and Accident Prevention